Around the Community

PTO Presidents' Council Candidates Forum

PTO Presidents' Council Candidates Forum

Barrington District 220 PTO Presidents’ Council will be hosting a candidate forum for community members to learn more about the candidates running for a seat on the Barrington 220 Board of Education. The forum will include all candidates, incumbents & challengers.

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Harathi for 220 Day of Action

Harathi for 220 Day of Action

Join Harathi, and other independent candidates from our community, for a day of action! Get out the vote and knock on doors to encourage everyone to vote on April 1st (and get Harathi elected).

RSVP to if you would like to join.

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League of Women Voters Candidate Forum

League of Women Voters Candidate Forum

Registration for this event will close on March 2, 2025 @ 1:00pm.

Plan to attend this non-partisan forum featuring candidates in the upcoming race for the Barrington Community Unit District 220 School Board and learn about the candidates’ individual positions on a variety of topics.

Those who register by Wednesday, Feb 12, have the option to submit a question to be posed to candidates by the event moderator. All questions are subject to review and editing. Registrant interest, relevance, and time constraints will determine which are selected.

This forum will be recorded and made available on the League of Women Voters of the Palatine, Barrington and Schaumburg Areas website. It is co-sponsored by the Barrington Library and yhe LWV of the Palatine, Barrington and Schaumburg areas.

Please note: to maintain a neutral environment, attendees are asked to avoid wearing campaign or partisan gear.

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Postcard Party for Harathi for D220

Postcard Party for Harathi for D220

Please join us in writing postcards to help Harathi get elected to this critical position in our community. She is dedicated to our community and the success of our children.  Harathi is committed to:

  • Safety:  Prioritizing physical and mental health

  • Transparency:  Building trust and collaboration through clear communication

  • Opportunity for All:  Supporting every student through individualized learning pathways, while making sure our educators receive the support they need.

Please come ready to write--bring a ballpoint pen, 56-cent stamps if possible (or money to help pay for stamps), a clipboard if you prefer to write sitting on the sofa, and a friend to join in the action.  We’ll have additional packets available to continue writing at home or to pick up if you prefer to write at home. 

 R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Beckett at so we can have enough chairs, snacks, and materials on hand. 

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Rally the Vote

Rally the Vote

Come out and rally the vote with Harathi, and other local independent candidates running for: Village of Barrington Trustee, Barrington Township Trusteee, Barrington Area Library Trustee, Village of South Barrington Trustee. Agenda will be as follows:

6pm: Voter Info and Candidate Tables

6:30: Rally the Vote Opening and Candidate Statements

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Barrington 220 Board of Education Meeting

  • 515 West Main Street Barrington, IL, 60010 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All regular Board of Education meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., immediately followed by Open Session at 6:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will take place at the District Administrative Center, 515 West Main Street, Barrington, Illinois. All Board meetings are live-streamed on the Board's YouTube channel

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